
Lang Assistant

Lang Assistant is an AI assistant built on the ChatGPT API that is free for all Lang users. Lang Assistant is intended to make edits to Studysheets, such as changing grammar, conciseness, or generating new terms.

Typical Lang Assistant queries include:

  • Generate a studysheet of french words for professions and their translations
  • swap all the terms and definitions in this studysheet
  • make the answers of this studysheet more concise
  • You can ask Lang Assistant about a variety of langauges and topics.

    How does Lang Assistant work?

    Lang Assistant is powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT API. To learn more about how ChatGPT works, visit OpenAI's site here.

    Lang does not assert ownership of the ChatGPT model that is used in Lang Assistant. OpenAI is the owner of the ChatGPT model. The Lang technology used in Lang Assistant are the prompt and the parsing methods used to read the Studysheet.

    Can I trust Lang Assistant to tell me the truth?

    ChatGPT, and therefore Lang Assistant, is not connected to the internet, and it can occasionally produce incorrect answers. It has limited knowledge of world and events after 2021 and may also occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content.

    Similarity of content

    Due to the nature of machine learning, Output may not be unique across users and the Services may generate the same or similar output for Lye Software, OpenAI or a third party. For example, you may provide input to a model such as “What color is the sky?” and receive output such as “The sky is blue.” Other users may also ask similar questions and receive the same response. Responses that are requested by and generated for other users are not considered your Content.

    Lang Assistant Data Collection

    Lye Software collects any data sent to Lang Assistant. This data is used to improve Lang Assistant's responses and is never used for advertising.